Our UK Visit
I love beach holidays. Sea. Sand. Swimming. Spending a fortune on a visit to the UK (Thanks Exchange Rate) ... in WINTER has never been high on my priority list - Ok, not really Winter, but it was going to be cold, and there was bound to be rain. So no swimming then. Fair enough. I made peace with the concept and truth be told, was excited by the reason for our visit - We'd be going to the wedding of good friends (Staff & Rachel) and we'd have a long overdue visit with some of Ashton's family.
The last time we'd seen Ashton's brother and his wife (Ryan & Liz) was in December 2014 when they'd flown to Cape Town with half of our bridal party - Their kids Lexi & Theo :)
We stayed with them for most of our trip and loved being a part of their everyday routine - Skype is great for keeping in touch, but it's not quite the same as getting to experience the excitement on the kids faces when you walk home with them after collecting them from school - The simple pleasures in life are huge in the greater scheme of things.
Of course they also played tour guide and treated us to trips to Brighton, Lewes, Guildford, Bodiam Castle & Rye to name a few. We even managed to fit in a few dinners, lunches / tea times with Ashton's aunts/uncles/cousins - So all in all, it was great to catch up with everyone.
One afternoon, while Ashton was out fulfilling bridal party duties (She was one of Rachel's bridesmaids) I joined a photographer friend of Ryan's, Chris, for a day trip into London. He had arranged a pass so that we'd be able to photograph a sunset from The Shard - Before that though, we spent the afternoon visiting some of the attractions synonymous with London.
Our last few days in the UK, we spent with Rachel & Staff and our final evening was spent dancing at their wedding - Such a highlight.
Satisfied that we'd had an amazing time, we climbed aboard the Eurostar and made our way to Paris - Those pics coming soon. For now, here is a glimpse into our time in the UK.
Thank you to everyone for making our stay so memorable - We loved every moment.
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